HOWTO: Delphi 6 & 7 EE IDE Setup in 7 steps :) Development tool is Borland Delphi 6 and 7 Enterprise edition. I'm not sure about Professional Edition but Personal edition definatelly can't be used. FMA recent source code is available from Subversion (SVN) repository located at FMA is current based on the following 3rd party components/libraries, all of them are free source components (if nothing else stated in their licenses): 1. Those component have custom FMA patches included in FMA SVN. Apply those patches before installing the components, please: - ComPort Library, available from - ToolBar/ToolButton, by Gabriel Corneanu, available from 2. Those components packages have an Installer which should be used instead, thus they are not included in our SDK packages: - LMD Tools SE, available from - JCL 1.94 Exception Dialog, available from 3. Those components are available on Internet and in our SDK packages: - awScript, available from - RxLib, available from - Tnt Unicode Controls, available from - Virtual Tree, available from - CoolTrayIcon by Troels Jakobsen, available from Please apply next to CoolTrayIcon.pas around line 860: WM_SYSCOMMAND: // Handle MinimizeToTray by capturing minimize event of application if Msg.wParam = SC_RESTORE then begin * if FMinimizeToTray then * begin if Application.MainForm.WindowState = wsMinimized then Application.MainForm.WindowState := wsNormal; Application.MainForm.Visible := True; * end; end; - Graphics32 1.7.1, available from - Abbrevia components for Theme support, available from - ICS (Internet Conpoment Suite), available from - SynEdit component, available from - dxGetText 1.2, available from - Delphi Fundamentals 3.28, available from - Portable Network Graphics Delphi 1.56, available from 4. Those components are included in FMA SVN and our SDK packages: (note: First install PRE and FMA and then DT packages) - WBluetoothSocket, by floAt, included in the SVN - WIrCOMMSocket, by Gabrijelcic (, included in SVN - SEProgress component, by Zdravko, included in the SVN - WebUtil by Danny Heijl (, included in the SVN - FMAWebUpdate component, by Zdravko, included in the SVN - OKTThemeEngine, by Oktay Kocaturk, included in the SVN - PBFolderDialog, older free version, included in the SVN - ImageListXP, by Zdravko, included in the SVN For full design-time support copy 'delphi32.exe.manifest' file in yours Delphi BIN folder and restart the Delphi IDE. - Various Delphi units located in SVN components subfolder 5. This component is for Delphi 6 only, and is obsolete for Delphi 7: - XP ThemeManager, available from 6. This component requires special intervention, please read notes below: - Project JEDI API Library 1.1, available from Please enable {$DEFINE UNICODE} in to get unicode support ! Use version never then 2005/02/24 - do a CVS/SVN checkout if nessesery ! - TurboPower Visual PlanIt 1.03, available from Use version never then 2005/12/20 - do a CVS/SVN checkout if nessesery ! 7. Once you Checked Out the source code from FMA SVN repository we recommend installing NTFS Link, available from and to create a NTFS junction point in "\fma\trunk" folder which points to "\locale" folder. Please name this junction point "locale". 8. The file will be generated from uAbout.templ by using the batch script UpdateSvnRevision.bat in repository root folder. Run it before any release build. It should be all, let us know if you've anything to add. Good luck!! /FMA team